I just HOPE that SHEPHERD's GROVE is not becoming a CULT...there are legitimate concerns about the Schuller's ministry becoming cult-like in nature, under the guise of a church...whereby people become more devoted to being a "schuller-ite" rather than a Christian. And the leader takes on celebrity status more than being a brother in Christ...and financial accountability is lacking...and you notice a lot of "important" plane trips to various parts of the world (more so by the lead pastor rather than including the various pastors & staff & parishioners)...and the "church" itself always being dependent upon the one celebrity leader..without whom the church flails around like a fish on shore, not sure what to do, and with nobody certain of enough empowerment to take charge. And when it was still the Crystal Cathedral, the "mother ship" (ie the RCA denomination) actually seemed to take its cues from the Schullers rather than the Schullers being accountable to the denomination. This is not meant to be a sweeping condemnation of the new Shepherd Grove, just a prudent warning of things to be wary about. We are called as people of the church to not just be "lackies" but to be growing in faith & spiritual discernment. It behooves me to warn my fellow brothers & sisters in Christ of potential pitfalls. If you are committed "for life" to the Schuller ministry, at least have the backbone to demand a certain amount of transparency & accountability. Don't accept a dictatorship & don't place Bobby or any of the other Schullers on a pedestal as if he or any of the Schullers is a "god" him or herself. Don't let them bully us. Expect them to be grateful for our support as parishioners & respectful towards us as persons and members of the body of Christ. When Bobby is about to take another big trip, ask him whether another person in the church could take his place and share some of these "responsibilities" (& privileges). If it is so important to go to Germany, or the Netherlands, or Hong Kong or wherever, to consult with the Hour of Power office, what might happen if Bobby gets sick or dies? Who will be prepared to step up in his place if nobody else gets included in these ministry duties? Or are you willing to accept that without Bobby, Shepherd's Grove closes? And the hour of Power comes to an end? If that is the case, then this is not a church, but a cult. It depends on one "celebrity personality" without whom it cannot stand or continue. This accountability should have been in place long before the Crystal Cathedral went bankrupt. Members need to demand and expect that others, not just Schullers, are being empowered & included in the ministry so that it can continue without a Schuller at the helm, if need be. Otherwise, maybe you just enjoy being "entertained" ...and that's what "church" is to you...a semi-spiritual weekly form of nice, feel-good, entertainment, with a bit of "god-talk". I personally am putting my chips on something greater than feel-good ministry. I want my membership with the Body of Christ to have eternal impact for my soul and for the sake of others. You should expect likewise. Don't settle for less. Your very soul depends upon it. Expect and demand to "feel good" and have everlasting impact. You will be held personally responsible. Will you say "Bobby said..." at the pearly gates & expect God to accept this as proof of your faith? Or do you want to be fooled? What does the BIBLE SAY? and what did you do to validate it? Don't put your faith in Bobby. Put your faith in the Bible! in God! in His Word!
-- "And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."
Romans 8.28
for the good of those who love Him,..."
Romans 8.28